Monday, August 29, 2011

Review: Rob van Vuuren - Live

Who is Rob van Vuuren? He is a man of many talents - stage actor, tv presenter, director, and for the last two years or so, stand up comedian. Let’s speak about the latter incarnation of Rob van Vuuren.

When Rob gets on stage he doesn’t even need to open his mouth for the crowd to laugh. In fact, for the first part of his latest show, he doesn’t. He could just stand there and look at you and you would be overcome with laughter. It is eerie. Almost like he has a aura of humour around him. Thankfully, this is not Rob’s whole act. First he takes it upon himself to teach the audience a little respect, then he blasts into his rendition of the National Anthem - which he duly messes up. Just four days after the now famous Ard incident, Rob already has a routine written into his show, and it seems like he has been doing the joke for months. It was beautifully hilarious. It also showed that he doesn’t just put on the exact same show night in and night out - he is keeping it fresh.

How can you not laugh at that face?

Rob tells stories from his own life experiences. Topics range from going to a Catholic church service, and masturbating in his car, to his daughter’s first poo. His style of comedy is very physical and he brings a lot of energy to the stage. He isn’t afraid to get his audience involved either and if you don’t like a man standing with his crotch in your face shooting you with "golden showers of nothing", the front row is probably not the best spot for you. But don’t think you are safe further away from stage either. One lady learnt this the hard way when she left her phone on during the show (yes, people like this still exist).Without missing a beat Rob leapt of stage to go find the culprit and her phone. Brought it on stage and learned that it did indeed have a vibrate function. Into his pants it went... needless to say, that lady will never leave her phone on in a theatre again. Especially not at a Rob van Vuuren show.

Watching Rob van Vuuren perform is watching the personification of Comedic Genius. This has been true for years with his role as Twakkie in The Most Amazing Show and it is no different with his latest stand up show. While it's not for the easily offended, it is also not overly offensive. He has found the perfect middle ground which will sit well with most stand up fans. The show is a must see and if you do, pray someone keeps their phone on - just make sure it's not you.

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